Today’s theme is about a happy life from a slightly different perspective.
There are people who are not happy no matter how much wealth, power, and fortune they have achieved, and there are people who live a rich and happy life with a little wealth, power, and wealth.
What is the difference? The answer is “connection with people” and “healthy body”.
Today, we will focus on “healthy body” and introduce the methods that the author has read many books and blogs, practiced, and found effective.
I weighed 75kg and had apnea syndrome, but in half a year I lost 68kg, and now I can wake up refreshed in the morning without any apnea.
Thanks to that, I feel fulfilled every day, more positive, more active, and more willing to take on challenges, and I feel that my life is getting better.

Health and dieting take time and effort anyway, right?
If you think so… just give me 30 minutes a day! !
However, what I’m going to do is what I’m doing now, and I promise it won’t be a burden.
Let’s introduce them below.
When eating, chew at least 30 times before swallowing
This is the only thing to be aware of when eating!
It has the following effects:
・ Chewing well consumes energy
・By chewing well, the burden on the internal organs is relieved and digestion progresses, so it is difficult for neutral fat to accumulate.
・Because you can eat slowly, you can easily feel full (you won’t overeat)
・ Chewing stimulates the brain and enhances brain function
At first, you will be conscious of counting 30 times, but if you think about it the other way around, you will be able to fully enjoy it.
It’s a meal that you do 2-3 times a day, so if you stack it up, it’s a big difference!
Walk or jog for 15-20 minutes
The human brain hasn’t changed much since primitive times.
Therefore, creatures that were originally running around to hunt prey became almost sedentary in about 2000 years.
It is said that neither the body nor the brain is adapted to this rapid change.
So, every day, incorporate 15 to 20 minutes of continuous exercise.
For example, would you like to walk or cycle to work or take the stairs instead of the elevator?
Many residences in Qatar have gyms, so I walk on a treadmill after work.
I go at a leisurely pace that makes me feel comfortable, listening to music and YouTube without thinking about anything.
The effects are:
・ It will refresh your mind and body (significant stress reduction effect)
・ Highly effective in activating the brain
· Leads to self-affirmation and confidence (both appearance and mind)
・ Considerable diet effect
Anyway, it’s important to keep this going.
Let’s replace it with something from daily activities, use the gap time, and do it at a pace of about 5 times a week.
After two weeks, it becomes the norm, and this time feels pretty good.
Before you go to bed, remember what made you happy that day and what good things you did
When you get into bed to sleep, first spread your body and turn your palms up.
And remember the good things that happened that day and the good deeds you did.
It can be something that can be done immediately, such as “The moon was beautiful” or “I picked up trash”.
The human brain is divided into the conscious mind (the consciousness that thinks by itself) and the subconscious mind (the so-called unconscious mind), and people seem to use less than 10% of the conscious mind.
In other words, more than 90% of us act unconsciously.
And the important thing is that this unconsciousness changes greatly depending on whether it is positive or negative.
In other words, in order to perceive our days as happy and lucky, it is important to align our brains with channels that receive positive information and encourage us to take positive actions.
The lesson of the thought is the action of the title that remembers before going to bed.
By doing this lesson, I also feel very happy with what I have now, people who are there, and actions they have taken, and every day is filled with gratitude.
When the mind is healthy, the body is also vital!
Other (Try it if you can afford it)
In addition to the above, I also do two things:
for your information….
- Measure your weight, body fat percentage, and muscle mass after exercise, and manage them with the app
“Visualizing the numbers will increase your motivation.”
And now, every cell phone has a health management app, right?
By the way, I weigh myself when I think I’ve lost the most weight after exercising (laughs).
2 Take a bath every day
“By soaking in the bathtub and slowly warming up your body, your metabolism and immunity will improve.”
And above all, I feel like “I did my best for the day!”
“By the way, humans feel sleepy when their body temperature drops.”
“So, after warming up in the bathtub, you can get a good night’s sleep if you go to bed within an hour.”
Of course, diet is also important, but I’m not so conscious of it.
I think about balance to some extent, and supplement what I feel is lacking with supplements.
Please try to work on it today.
I would appreciate it if you could make your day a little happier.